If you are searching for options to generate more revenue through your site and need the most advanced monetization solutions β you are in the right place! Monetag is an advanced high-tech solution for monetizing all types of traffic. We always aim to meet your expectations for outstanding revenues and superior ad experience for your users.
Our main advantages:
Worldwide Ad coverage
Our publishers monetize 100% of their traffic right now. We have a massive number of advertisers in every country, so no impressions are being wasted.
Clean & Safe Ads
We work only with trusted hand-picked advertisers. All ads are automatically monitored 24/7 by world-leading anti-fraud and malware prevention solutions.
Publisher Community
Be a part of the biggest online publisher community! We nurture innovative ideas to help you earn more and learn about the most effective ways to monetize.
On-time & Fast payouts
Get the fastest weekly payouts across the globe with the flexible payment methods and the minimal $5 withdrawal amount.
Solutions for mobile web SDK & APK
Benefit from top-performing monetization formats for mobile web SDK & APK. High revenue and simple integration!
A wide range of integrations
Take advantage of a wide range of integration methods (API, XML, Smartlink) for large suppliers, agencies, ad networks and exchanges.
Start monetizing with the most effective ad formats, best payout conditions, and a variety of exclusive features!